Thursday, March 8, 2012

Challenge Day 5- Sponge Paint

It looks like I will be writing each days blog the day after. I fell asleep again last night, while watching TV...

I'm quickly learning that taking on this challenge and wanting to do all of the stuff I see online very challenging, on a military budget. There is SO much I want to do with them, but we just DO NOT have the supplies, nor the money to get them. I will just be buying a little bit with each pay check, the way any military family buys anything.

I'm also less enthused about this, than I was on day 1 and 2. NOT that I don't love playing with them. I've REALLY been enjoying it. But trying to think of invitations with supplies we have has proven... challenging. I know once I'm more used to this, I'll start thinking outside the box more. But as of now, I'm a little frustrated. Yesterday I was at a complete loss of an idea we hadn't already done. I was also lacking motivation to figure one out. I resorted to hand painting after seeing a project on Pinterest.

Jeremiah's Shamrock
So, I whipped out the paint and we got started. I should have known that Bella would not be down for the activity I had planned. It involved painting their hands and making Shamrocks. Then they could just finger paint.

Your Majesty demanded brushes of some sort. So, I ran down stairs and grabbed the sponges from mini paint rollers. (You know, the ones for edging?)

Those worked. She was ready to play. Phew! They giggled and played and smeared paint everywhere.

The mess no longer bothers me. Which is AWESOME! I'll be the first one to tell you I'm not a great housekeeper. They're is always stuff EVERYWHERE. But it's generally not DIRTY. Just messy and cluttered. So allowing them to get things dirty was a big step for me. Allowing them to be kids and make more work for me was a huge surrender of control. As I sit here writing this, I hear Bella dumping out colored water all over the light table and splashing in it. It makes me cringe. But, it will be cleaned up in like 3 minutes, once they're done with today's invitation. So, I let it go.

sponge painting

They're having fun and I'm learning to let the little things go and have FUN with them! I cannot wait to write about today's invitation, tomorrow! Get out there and Let Them PLAY!

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