Monday, March 19, 2012

Challenge Day 12- Ice and sun!

They look like gum drops!
I'm going to put the invitation from the day my Mom left and yesterday's all in one post. Because, well, I'm lazy.

The afternoon after my mom left, I was super excited for the invitation I had planned. I had taken a dome shaped ice cube tray and frozen colored water in it. I set up the ice cubes on their light table with some petri dishes, droppers, syringes, and hot water. I wanted them to explore the temperatures and how they affect each other. They LOVED it! I only wish I had more ice cubes for them to play with. Next time, I think I will freeze several batches over a few days, so they can play longer. I got right in there with them on this one. Bell of course, wanted to eat it. Luckily, it didn't taste like much, because I'm not fond of them ingesting food coloring. Either way this was a TOTAL success and we will be doing this again in the near future. Hopefully outside, when it warms up and the baby will get in on the action too.

fun fun
Then yesterday, I set up a bunch of different crafts. There was coloring with crayons, markers, and colored pencils. There was construction paper and scissors. There was glue with paper and colored rice, and there was also play dough.  This was also a big success. Mostly, they wanted to color with the markers, because, before now, I have not allowed markers in the house. I've been too afraid of the mess. But it was fine. Just like I should have known it was. Bell had marker all over herself, but she "looked so pretty". lol They've been seeming rather bored with the rice and play dough. I need to find some new ideas for them to stay engaged with the activities.

Later in the day we went outside to embrace the impending Spring weather. I had some strawberry plant seedlings I needed to plant while we were out there. We got out the soil, planters, water and seedlings. We took turn digging hole and planting the seedlings.  Bella, apparently, has no issue getting dirty with DIRT. She will dig and get as messy as any other kid. It seems to be only "controlled messes" she is not fond of. mmhmm. I'm beginning to catch on to your plot, little lady.

The weather was beautiful and Mia crawled around exploring her surroundings. She played with the gardening tools and ate some dirt. Typical baby things. I bet that dirt was DELICIOUS! (not so much). The kids also, had some "just add water" plants that they opened and added water to. Bell had Basil and Jeremiah had Bell Peppers. They added the water and fluffed the expanding soil. They just wanted to walk around with them, not leave them to bask in the sun. They weren't too happy when I tried explaining it would take a long while for the plants to actually grow. My children are more the instant gratification type.

Eventually the predicted meltdowns started and it was time to go inside for naps. The first outside play of the season must have wore them all out, because ALL THREE TOOK A NAP! No, you don't understand. This is a rare phenomenon that has happened like five times EVER in our house. It was so blissful. I laid on the couch and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It was fantastic!

More play today and another blog tomorrow :)

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