Today is my husband's 26th Birthday. Happy Birthday, My Love!
When the kids woke up, I told them it was Daddy's birthday. The questions started and so did the excitement. Can we make him a present? Can we make a cake? When can we EAT the cake? Can we play with the Cloud Dough again?!
Yes, dear children, you CAN finger paint until Daddy wakes up. And I mean REAL finger painting. The messy kind. I put on my big girl pants and whipped out the paint. Jeremiah was rather hesitant about getting messy. "No Bell, we can't get dirty." Bella, REFUSED to get dirty. She put one finger in the paint and demanded to wash her hands. She then requested a paint brush. What a priss. Jey's finger painting turned into hand slathering. Which, I completely expected. He made pictures and hand prints and tried to get Bell to get messy too. She was having none of it.
At this time, the baby (Amelia (1yr)) was sitting across the table nomming up her baby cracker things and slapping the ziplock bags with paint. She was thoroughly enjoying herself as well.
The older two decided they were done and wanted to color. We washed up and cleaned up and out came the construction paper and crayons. Jeremiah wrote "Happy Birthday Dad. I luv you", at LEAST a dozen times. Every time he would get frustrated and say "It wasn't good enough to give to Daddy". He would give the paper to Bella, who now is not coloring but cutting up all of the construction paper she can find.
It was time to wake Daddy up. Mia and I went into the bedroom and woke Daddy and told him Happy Birthday. Daddy stumbles out of the bedroom as the kids squeal with delight and shout "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!" A smile sweeps across my husband's face and he says thank you and hugs each child good morning. I go into the kitchen and make the Hubbs his favorite egg sandwich in my new cast iron pan that a dear friend has just sent me. It's fantastical! I put a little too much cheese on the sandwich, so it ended up being egg flavored grilled cheese. Ah well, he gobbled it down and said it was delicious.
Jeremiah now gives Daddy his card and the kids sing Happy Birthday. They insist he have a candle to blow out. I light a small Yankee candle while we sing and he blows it out at the end. The kiddos cheer and clap. "NOW can we make cake?!" Jey exclaimed.
"Can we show Daddy our cloud dough?" soon followed. Why, yes. Of course you can babies. We did the set up and they went to town. Daddy and I even got down there and made "sand castles" with them. (Mia is asleep when we play with the cloud dough as of now) The 'dough' quickly over takes the tarp and the sand is everywhere. Bell is running all over the house with flour foot prints left behind. There is now snowball fights and rain happening in the dining room. They are covered head to toe. It's caked int their scalps. Another bath it is.
We decide to wrap it up when Bella starts melting down. She's awful tired from all of the excitement. We bathe the kids and the baby wakes up from her nap. We try to lay Bella down, but she's having none of it. Jey makes himself a sandwich and colors some more. Jey and Mia are playing on the rug while Daddy is catching up on some basketball and I sit here on the computer. Daddy is now taking a much envied birthday nap as the kids get their small amount of TV time for the day. They have chosen to play Mario on the Wii.
The day is young and we still have some cake making to do. Possibly finger paint and playdough making as well!
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