Saturday, March 17, 2012

Challenge -Break for Mom

The "bottom" one is milk :(
I took a break from the "Challenge" the past few days due to my Mom's visit. This in NO way means we didn't play! We did a lot of running around and playing with 'Nani'. I'll just sum up the past few days all in one post.

Nani got here on Wednesday evening and we had dinner and played until bed time.

On Thursday, my Mom was willing to help me bring all 3 kids to the allergist. Mia was getting tested for a peanut and milk allergy. The milk instantly showed up as positive. Poor baby. The peanut did not show up, but due to a previous face-swelling indecent, the allergist wanted blood tests done.  We took Mia to the lab and after poking and proding my poor baby like cattle, and getting NO blood, they finally stopped and I refused to allow them to poke her another time. I said I would return once they had lancets and could finger prick her. WHY they did not have these on hand, I will never know.

After traumatizing my poor infant, we decided to get some lunch. It was scrumptious. The kids all downed their food like they hadn't eaten in days. Which is always good. Good appetites, to me, means one of two things. They've been playing hard, or they're growing through a growth spurt. 

After lunch we went shopping and got some things to play with and some plants to plant our recently arrive strawberry plants in. I believe all 3 kids (and my mom) fell asleep on the way home. It WAS a rather long day.

On Friday, we had intended to take the kids to the local children's museum, but I needed to go to the grocery store. When I grocery shop, it's an all day affair. I had to go the next town over to stock up on meat (IE chicken and ground turkey), like I do every 6 weeks or so. And THEN I had to go to the grocery.

Mom came with and we ONLY took Jeremiah. He ate up all the one on one attention. Daddy stayed home and spent time with Bella, while the baby apparently took the best nap of her life. LOL She got 4-5 hours of UNINTERRUPTED napping. I don't know if she has EVER had the opportunity to do that. I know I've never been away from her that long and it wasn't fun. I missed her little face. I missed Bella too, of course. But, there is something about your nurslings eyes that make your heart break, when you cannot look into them. 

Later that evening, the kids busted out the play dough they found cleaning out the basement the other day. It was given to them long ago, but I never let them play with it, in fear of the mess. That's no longer an issue in this house!
Fun stuff!

My Mom just left and it was a sad goodbye. We'll see her again soon, though. We had a fun invitation today, but I'll save that for the next post. Time to get back to playing!

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