Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Challenge Day 10- The weather is DIVINE!

We started the morning with the rice we dyed and the light table. They had jars and beakers and petri dishes. They had a blast with the table. They love anything colored. They're such imaginative children! They love to pretend to cook. They'll make anything and everything you ask for. And some things you don't.

We played for a little while but the NEED to get outside in the 60 degree weather was killing all of us. I wanted to try this invitation I saw this morning on Play At Home Mom's blog. You mix corn starch with baking soda and food coloring for a paint slurry. You then pour/spray it with vinegar and it bubbles up like crazy! Well, for us, this was a total bust. Jey touched it for all of 5 minutes, dumped the baking soda all over and watched until the bubbles died and was over it. LOL Oh well, we wanted to play soccer anyways.

Doesn't Mia look AWESOME?!
We all went to the side yard to play. Bell had no interest in playing. She was busy exploring and finding the first flowers of spring. Mia sat and collected and munched on pine straw, in her horribly mis-matched outfit. It was so ugly it was hilarious. Honestly, I was too excited to get outside to care what she was wearing. I just needed her to be warm. The wind here is always strong. That was my only concern.

Daddy and Jeremiah were practicing soccer techniques. Then I decided to jump in and try to show Daddy up. I was holding my own, as best I could. Then my body laughed at me. My chest tightened up and I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. My body was like "AHAHAHAH Did you forget you had asthma?!". I went inside, grabbed my inhaler and sat the rest of the time out and played with the baby. OH DARN!

We had so much fun outside, it's ridiculous. As much as I LOVE the winter, I'm looking forward to playing outside more with these kids!

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